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Posted on 9th Jun 2020
In the summer of 1865 a swarm of bees landed on the window of our founder, A. I. Root’s jewelry shop. Curious by nature, he paid an employee $1 to capture the swarm. That single moment sparked the love affair with honey bees and inspired A.I. Root to start his own beekeeping business. Nearly 150 years later, Root Candles is still synonymously known for beekeeping, beeswax, honey, and the highest quality candles.
At Root Candles, we are all about those little honey makers and we’ve pledged to help #savethehoneybee. Our ongoing partnership with Ohio State Beekeepers, Ernst Seeds, the Pollinator Partnership Program continues to develop or ever-growing Pollinator Garden. The gardens are located int he field behind Corporate Offices, in front of the Retail Flagship Store, and on the front lawn of the A. I. Root Homestead. We have 5 hives on the property and additional hives behind our Production Facility. We use about 5% of the beeswax harvested in America. Honey bees are not only vital for candle making, but also for humans. They pollinate 70% of the crops grown in the US, and their livelihood continues to be threatened. Numerous factors are causing the honey bee to die, but we have ways you can help.
1. Buy local honey! It’s so much more than just a tasty sweetener. Did you know ingesting honey, harvested within your area, will help relieve allergy symptoms? It’s a natural anti-viral and antibiotic, can help relieve cough and store throat, a natural moisturizer, and lowers cholesterol.
2. Plant bee friendly blooms, bushes, and trees in your yard. Some of a honey bees’ faves are the Basswood Tree, Echinacea, and Lavender. Honey bees can see colors and are drawn to brighter hues like violet, blue, white, and yellow. Pro-tip: check your local Garden Center for plants native to your area.
3. Let those weeds grow. Honey bees are naturally drawn to dandelions and clover. So put that spray bottle of weed killer down and call off the lawn fertilizer crew, and feed the bees!
4. Support our friends at Project Apis m. You can donate directly to them by clicking here!
5. Consider beekeeping! Check with your local beekeeper’s
associations to help you get started. In 1873, A. I. Root shared his beekeeping
knowledge with the world by publishing a monthly magazine, Gleanings in Bee Culture Magazine.149 years later, it is
still published today and considered the trusted resource for beekeepers!
We hope you join our pledge in saving the honey bee. Share your efforts with us using #rootcandlebuzz!